According to, medical battery (assault) is:

So how would a medical assault & battery happen? Hospitals need to make money. What brings them money are the procedures done in the hospital setting. For instance, the flavor of the day is for treating heart attacks is stenting. If you have a heart attack, you will be taken directly to the cardiac catheterization lab–you will not pass go & you will be billed (and/or your insurance company) hundreds of thousands dollars. The cardiac catheterization lab is really big business for a hospital.
So if you are sitting at home on a Saturday night and start having chest pain, you’ll most likely visit an ER. First off, they encourage you to use an ambulance to arrive at the ER even though it may be quicker to actually have someone drive you there. There is no money involved for them if you are driven there via private automobile. Mostly likely you’ll have an EKG done as well as blood drawn. They will give you aspirin, nitro, heparin, and painkillers as determined by them.
In my husband’s case, the local hospital’s ER had to send him on because they were not a full service hospital. They mentioned he would need more treatment than they could give. They vaguely mentioned he may need clot busting drugs, cardiac catheterization, or open heart surgery. I think the open heart surgery option was thrown in there just to scare us. These were given as options. We did not agree to anything nor did they say anything had been decided. They gave us no details on any of the options they mentioned. After they gave him nitro, aspirin, and morphine; he pain had subsided into being just a dull ache.
When the helicopter finally arrived for him, I left for the other hospital anticipating that once there were would discuss with the hospital his options. That had been what we were lead to believe what would happen. However, we had no idea they had other plans which they had planned and decided upon. No one at any time told us the medical community’s “gold standard” of treatment for a STEMI (heart attack) is immediate Percanteous Coronary Intervention (PCI). If we would have known, we would have not agreed until both of us had heard the full details of all treatment options. They knew we expected to make the treatment decision to what they did next guaranteed them the ability to decide and carry out their selected plan.
On the helicopter service, unknown to my husband, the flight medics documented his pain level as an eight when in reality it was only a 1 or a dull ache. Doing this provided cover for them to dose him with 100 mcg of fentanyl which basically rendered him incapable of normal functioning both physically and mentally. They knew this because the first hospital also chose to omit his severe reactions to pain killers and benzos such as versed. This was very negligent of them because some of the side effects would directly affect a man who was having a heart attack. However, they knew with what they had planned, it was standard procedure but they didn’t want us to know and they certainly didn’t want documentation existing about what he had said.
Once at the other hospital, isolation was the name of the game. They purposely kept me isolated from him, uninformed, and with a warden to guard me so they would be free to pursue their agenda. They know that if they are able to keep people who are in a stressful situation isolated and uninformed they will be operate to succeed in accomplishing their agenda. Their agenda was to make sure he had a PCI whether he wanted it or not because it is a huge money-making procedure. Also, the staff had been called in so they needed to make sure they could cover that expense.
The second case of medical assault was when my husband arrived at the 2nd hospital. Knowing he was drugged, they were able to start readying him for the procedure they had chosen for him to have. Although they knew he had been drugged incapable with 100 mcg of fentanyl, the 2nd hospital made no mention of this in any of their medical forms. Absolutely none so this signals they knew he was incapable of any decision or even defending himself against what they had in store for him. Immediately, without asking or giving him a chance, they stripped off his clothes. They did not bother with the pretense of keeping his genital region covered as they were stripping him naked. They knew he was drugged and would offer no resistance. They gave him no gown or sheet. They simply didn’t care about his personal dignity. To them, he was something they could manipulate or humiliate at will. They started with the conscious sedation evaluation. They also inserted two more undocumented IVs into each bend of his elbow so that he had a total of four IVs for the entire stay. They did not care even about his physical comfort. They filled out the forms which he may or may not have answered as he was only capable of understanding simple questions and answered with yes or no as his thought and action process was severely impaired at this point.
My husband does remember this is what they did to him. He said he felt disattached to his body as if he were watching a tv program unfolding in front of him. He remembers hearing them say I was there but the people were at a distance from him in the cath lab room discussing it. They never approached him but he did hear them say they were sending a chaplain to me. That really scared him for two reasons but he was too drugged to react. The first reason being is he thought they were sending a chaplain because he was dying and not stable like the other hospital had said. The second reason was he knew I would never want a chaplain involved but again, the drugs prevented him in taking action and they didn’t allow him input into his own life. He remembers wondering why I wasn’t in there to see him and why they were not having me there with him to discuss what his options of treatment were. He said he just kept waiting for that to happen as he laid there totally naked in a room of at least 4 women and others. Being drugged, he had no concept of time and really what they were doing. He thought they were doing tests but had no idea they were really doing the procedure they had in their godlike, tyrannical manner chosen for him.
He did not know until I told him the next day that he had a procedure done. We then were able to conclude it had been done against his will because neither of us had consented to it. He was drugged and unable to give legal consent. I was not advised of the procedure until it was completed as the warden was very vague and would walk away when the cath lab called. He did, however, think the public in the hallway should have updates because he had his phone on speakerphone. I was the only one who was not allowed to hear about my husband’s procedure as it was happening.
Some might argue this was an emergency situation. While it was an unexpected heart attack, my husband was not unconscious and had made known what he wanted. He was also stable until they were into the procedure and the stress of him being scared, humiliated about being put naked on display resulting in being extremely cold as the cath lab room is kept very cold, alone wondering why I wasn’t with him, the drugs which he said would cause severe side effects did indeed cause his blood pressure to drop, or the procedure itself caused his pressure to drop low one time. Instead of labeling it as a vasovagal reaction they chose to cover themselves by labeling it as cardiogenic shock even though it did not fit the definition. They chose to drug him so they could disregard his decisions. Even though he had family present (me) that could have made a decision, they kept me isolated from him and uninformed so they could accomplish their medical assault. He did not sign informed consent nor does he even remember it being discussed with him. They said he, being deeply drugged, gave them verbal consent. However, it is not legally binding as he was incapable of making a rational decision as he was drugged with fentanyl and probably already pre-sedated with additional fentanyl and versed. They discovered there was no consent on file moments before they actually started the procedure so it is very questionable about whether they had him sedated or not. They may only make a decision if the patient is unconscious and no family can be contacted. This was not the case. I was there and he was incapable because of being drugged prior to arrival and perhaps even before the consent was signed by them.
The fact is he would not have chosen this treatment. He would not have wanted to have metal stents in him. Because of the stenting, the arteries will be forever receiving a signal they need to send plaque to the beginning of the stent to heal. This will cause plaque deposits to form and along with platelet buildup. Of course, knowing that stenting causes the very issue that caused the heart attack in the first place, they have prescription medicines to partially relieve the symptoms. Not only will aspirin be needed but medicines like Brilanta will be needed to thin the blood so platelets won’t stick to the plaque as easily but you will be more likely to bleed to death and be one big walking bruise. But that is okay because that keeps their hospital social workers employeed so they can while you are naked they can ask you if you are a victim of spousal abuse. Hospital workers seem to enjoy having their patients naked while they are caring for them because it makes the staff feel superior and the patients are intimidated and are more likely to be submissive and complacent. Statins like Crestor will be needed to reduce cholesterol down to non-existent levels even this too is dangerous to everyday functions like memory, damage muscles (don’t forget your heart is a muscle too), and help cause kidney failure. But never fear, there are more procedures and pills for any side effects. For those side effects, there are more procedure and pills and so on and so forth. You will be a continuous source of control and money until you die but the medical community would grieve as there will be someone else to take your place on the conveyor belt of medical treatment. He would have opted for clot busting drugs first. However, at the time, we did not know what our options were as no one really discussed it with us. We now know after the fact. But it is too late. He forever must live with the consequence of their medical assault. There is never a moment in any day he is not reminded of being a victim of medical assault. He had things done to his body against his will and, furthermore; was condemned to watch as if he was only a spectator who was watching a horror movie about mad scientists performing experiments on innocent victims only he was the victim.
It is beyond scary the power and control a hospital or medical staff have. What is even scarier is they will use their power and control because of their greed or the need to do procedures to make money. Even though we were lead to believe he would be able to direct his treatment choice once he was at the other hospital, all the hospital staff involved knew otherwise. They manipulated us into letting us think we would be informed about the treatment options and would be the ones deciding. That was never to be. Think this cannot happen to you. You would be wrong–medical assault is the gold standard of treatment.