Patient Rights Dignity Medical Battery Medical Assault #PowerControlGreed How Healthcare Is Delivered
A brief word before I start. I am not going cite a bunch of studies and articles. That is not to say that I cannot back up my comments because I can but to me, it is distracting to have to read all of the works cited. This is mostly my opinion from real life experiences and from what articles I have read. As I build my website, I will be listing various articles and studies that you may review on your own.
While it true that when we have medical encounters, we can expect at some time that we may have to expose our breasts, vaginas, testicles, or penises. However, what we don’t anticipate is the manner in which this may be done, why it is being done, and to whom is viewing our nudity. What many people don’t understand is the complete lack of sensitivity, compassion, and lack of respect for basic human dignity that many hospital workers have.
I have read that nursing is the most trusted profession. I am absolutely stunned! Do people really think that? Why would they think that? Could it be that burying our heads in the sand and pretending that nurses are not capable of sexually inappropriate behavior? Could be denying that those 20 something nurses and techs are not creatures that have sexual desires? Could we also be denying that like most humans they view are genitals in a sexual manner while they are doing their jobs of prep? Are we that naïve that we don’t realize that when we are laying there naked and drugged that they are taking inventory and making their own private inventory of us?
There are many articles about male nurses/techs sexually assaulting female patients. However, it is rare to see such a story about a female nurse/tech. Why is that? Is it because females don’t have sexual feelings and act on them? Is it because in real life females never initiate sexual contact? Of course, that is not the case especially in today’s age of everything goes and is allowed if you are of the female gender. Or could it be that males have been subjected to having to have intimate care given by female nurses/techs for years and that society has told them this is acceptable and men do not complain about their personal dignity being abused?
I am female and I have had male doctors. I like male doctors even less than female doctors but I tolerate them. However, I have never been in the position of being drugged and defenseless with a male doctor or a room full of male nurses/techs. For male patients, this scenario is common. During the course of their lifetime, the overwhelming majority of males will at some point, be naked, drugged, and probably have their memory of the event purposely erased. They may even remember being in the midst of an all-female team of nurses/techs, naked and exposed.
For anyone undergoing surgery or a heart catheterization procedure, it is scary. But also what is scary that is either sugar-coated or glossed over is the amount of unnecessary exposure that all patients have to endure. The even scarier part is that most patients are given drugs like Versed whose primary purpose is its ability to erase memories. They may label it as an anti-anxiety drug but the real purpose it or a drug like it is given is to erase memory. It sounds like something from a Nazi concentration camp and to me, it is. I don’t think that anyone should have the right to decide what memories we are allowed to have or not. I think this drug and others like it crosses a very serious ethical dilemma. It should be banned or used only under the strictest regulations and never without absolute patient knowledge and consent.
For females, the surgery team has a greater chance of being made up of mostly women. However, from several sources I have read that a female requesting an all-female team may in fact get males. This is done, in my mind, because doctors don’t like patients telling them how to run their operation. Never mind the fact the operation is on you and ultimately you are the boss and the medical personnel are in fact your temporary employees. Many doctors have long had the attitude that patients should not and furthermore will and do not have say in the manner in which their medical care is delivered or even a say in what type of treatment is needed. And even more to the point, many patients let them get away with this attitude. I feel this is done out of fear as the doctor literally has the power of life and death and the quality of which life may have. If this is the case, would you let a known car thief borrow your car? Probably not so why would you let a doctor control something so invaluable as your life without question or asserting your rights?
For males, it is almost a given the majority of the team will be female. To that, most will be young females. Today’s society has not done well in teaching our younger society members to be respectful especially of men. Men bear the burden of everything that has gone wrong with the world since the beginning of time especially now that the MeToo movement has come to the forefront. I think many younger females may base their actions on what they see and hear from the media. I also think that many nurses/techs act out against the tyranny the surgeon displays towards the female staff by abusing their drugged, naked, and vulnerable male patients.
From experience I have had knowledge of, male patients are left exposed unnecessarily. This is done for who knows why but the fact remains it happens. Some procedures, such as heart catheterizations, the lower genital region of a male patient may be left exposed during the entire prep (shaving too) time. There is no need for this but it happens far more frequently than we probably know. Some facilities say they use a blue towel but the towel usually is not placed until after the alcohol type prep is done and dried but the blue towel has a tendency to move out of place. There are garments that a patient could put on called Covr that indeed covers the area but still allows full access to the groin area. However, not many facilities have initiated the use of these garments as they simply don’t think patient dignity concerns are an issue. After all, we all same the same body parts and they are professional. However, they are not the ones naked. Maybe if they were naked with clear plastics covers it would make that argument more agreeable but they do value and guard their dignity but not ours. It is also a common fact that medical rarely go to the facility they work at for procedures that require them to be naked and exposed in front of their peers. If it doesn’t matter because we all have the same body parts…?
We know that patients are naked, drugged so they have little or no more memory recall in the OR or cath lab. We know that the consent forms give them the right to have whoever they want in attendance when the patient is exposed. We also know that many people are addicted to their smartphones—smartphones are the ones with cameras. I don’t imagine many people are aware that many institutions allow medical staff to use their cell phones in OR and in other patient care areas. This is very scary. It could perhaps be a selfie that that accidentally includes the naked patient in the background or it could be an intentional picture of the naked patient to post on social media to show and make some comment about their anatomy. You may never know it until someday someone recognizes your face, your breast, or your penis. By that time, you have been sexually assaulted thousands of time. There is no way smartphones should be allowed for staff use in patient care areas. Only devices facility owned without camera ability should be allowed in patient care areas PERIOD.
Consider the female nurse in a patient room where the male patient is drugged and not able to defend themselves and this male patient is left with his penis and testicles exposed for hours. The curtain is not drawn. Other staff members come into the room. These may be staff members like techs who draw blood, who do housekeeping duties, IT techs, or even other nurses who come to chat to the nurse. Why is it okay to leave a drugged male patient exposed? There is no medical reason for this being done. In fact, it is detrimental to the patient’s health to leave them exposed and cold. Not to mention to their mental health. This is a form of sexual abuse. If the male patient was not drugged, then the nurse would not have done this. If this happens to a female patient/male nurse, then the alarm bells would ring but since this happened to a male patient—who cares? He is only a man and nurses are the most trusted profession. So what if they fail to uphold their oath of protecting their patient’s dignity and fail to guard their patient from harm both physically and mentally? This type of sexual abuse is real and occurs more than we probably know. Unnecessarily exposing any patient is sexual abuse. Sexual crimes are crimes of control and this is exactly what medical staff do—they try to control us while we are in their facility. We are told what we can do, what drugs they will give us, what their treatment plan is, what food they will allow us to eat, when we can or can’t have visitors—like I said in another blog article-prison. Why was is this type of exposure taking place? A drugged, vulnerable male laying exposed and alone for hours with two nurses while they are laughing. This is sexual abuse. What were they doing? The Versed drug man does not know. That was intended and furthermore, the nurses know the man’s vulnerable because of the drugs.
There are many pictures all over the Internet of various surgical procedures. Some of them show male patients getting prepped for knee surgery with his penis exposed and later show a picture of his face. Why was his penis exposed should be the question? Access to that area was not needed as no foley catheter was used. Why are stripped naked for surgeries not requiring access to their breasts, vaginas, and/or penises? Why do the heart catheterization sites either not address the exposure or say your dignity is respected when it is not? If they are exposing your genital area without real cause then it is sexual abuse. My guess it is a power control issue. It fully makes individuals vulnerable and takes away their dignity. Medical people don’t like to think of patients as being human. They tend to think of us as objects placed in their care for manipulation.
Many aspects of medical care are kept in a veil of secrecy. If the general public only knew what really happens then things would change. It is the plan of the medical community to keep their inter-workings a secret. When you complain to hospital administration, they sweep it under the rug. They make excuses or say this didn’t happen. But they know this happens. This is why I say sexual abuse of male patients is hospital sanctioned. It is my plan to expose them.
I will call this nurse Feather Wench. She is a bleached blonde woman who thinks she eludes the southern belle charm and somewhat famous looks. She also likes to party and drink. I have done my research on those who have abused and violated my husband to try to find out their motive(s). In general, I think this person is just a bad person who is in over her head as far as nursing skills, compassion, and just being humane.
Nurse Wench started her abuse of my husband when he first arrived in the Cardiac Critical Care Unit. Wench has worked at Rancidcan for almost 11 years. She is not new to cardiac care. There is a reason I am mention this.
He was taken by gurney by 2 of the heifers from the cath lab. He was still very out of it from the drugs that he should have never received. Once to the room, they used the waffle mattress to transfer him to the bed. During the transfer, the gown that they threw on him right before the transfer, fell off. The first comment out of Wench’s mouth was that he did not have the right gown on for her area and that needed to fixed immediately. So instead of getting him settled and hooking him up to the life-saving equipment he needed, Wench left him naked and exposed while she searched for the proper gown. You would think that: 1. a qualified nurse would know that hooking him up to life-saving equipment would be the number one priority, 2. What Rancidcan gown a patient arrived in really didn’t matter, 3. Wench would not leave a patient naked and exposed meaning no gown, no cover, and no curtain closed. This is how his time with Wench started. Since he was drugged, he does not remember every second of time but the constant exposure was so horrible to him that if has been able to penetrate their purposeful memory erasing tactics.
These transfers of patients from gurney to their must be conducted in secret or so is the policy of Rancidcan. No family can be present during this secret ritual. It is a ritual we were told that would take around 30 minutes. It took over 2 hours and that without any word from them as to why and no explanation or apology. During this time it is impossible to know all the abuse he tolerated at the hands of Wench.
After the great gown crisis, Wench eventually found her correct gown and put in on him. However, she for whatever reasons, did not pull the gown around his genital area nor did she pull the blanket up around that area. He had 2 medical devices sutured to his thighs (again w/o any numbing agent). These devices were the 2 devices that were supposedly to be use to give his heart a rest after his heart attack. However, Wench was not able to get at least one of them hooked up and working. However, there is no note of this in his medical record as they purposely do not put negative information such as this in medical files so it can prove their incompetence, neglect, and substandard care.
Unknown to us, just the family worrying in the waiting room, wondering what is going on, Wench has a room full of techs and other staff present. However, as she told me, she left my husband exposed as she did not know how to cover his genital area so the devices on his thigh were accessible. Really? She has been a nurse for 11 years and at least 4 years of schooling, and she did not know how to fulfill her oath of protecting patient dignity?
What is also astound is during this time, she performed full bedpan duties and perineal care. In other words, since she did not know how to protect my husband’s privacy, while these other IT techs were in the room, she made my husband urinate and then cleaned him up in their presence for all their entertainment needs. How callous, heartless, and sexually abusive/inappropriate! According to the medical records, this happened at least 3 times. I can’t believe she would subject a defenseless patient to such a public display. Even the curtain was not drawn to shield him from the hallway and a set of main doors opened and closed continuously right outside of his room. Of course, we did not know this at the time. This went on for over 2 hours. This Wench made my husband a public spectacle for over 2 hours.
They never came to get us but eventually my son said that the next _sshole he saw exiting from that door (by my husband’s room), he was going to stop. He heard the door and was up in a flash. A dark hair nurse, I will call Joker Some Joke ( who also pulled social work duty asking questions of a man heavily sedated and just out of a major procedure had he been out of the country recently, etc), exited the doors and was heading away from the waiting room. He quickly caught up with her but before he could say anything, she turned to him laughing the entire time, “I was on my way to come and get you to take you to your husband’s room.” First off–no she wasn’t on her way to get us because she exited the doors and was heading in the other direction. Secondly, she was talking to my son and not to me as I was slower in getting up so my husband is not my son’s husband. By the time, they had gotten over to where I was, she was still laughing. She said still laughing, “I just came from his room. (LAUGHING STILL) I am not his nurse. (LAUGHING STILL). The nurse had trouble hooking him up to his machines and I have been helping her out. (LAUGHING STILL) I will buzz you and he is in room C366 at the end of the hall.” She buzzed us in, and still laughing, she turned and left.
As we were entering the room, my son said he thought he had left his diabetic supplies in the waiting room because he had to jump up quickly to get to that nurse as they didn’t have the decency to let us know anything for over 2 hours (my husband had been taken to the rm. around 1:50a and now it was exactly 4a. My husband has said how desperately he wanted to see me and thought maybe I had gone home and they said nothing to him.). I knew with the stress from how Rancidcan had treated us, that his glucose level was nearing 400. He was taking readings a lot. He is a fairly new Type 1. I told him he had better quickly go back and get his supplies.
I entered the room. Wench was standing on his right side with his genital area exposed while she was doing something on the bedside computer. As she turned she was smiling but stopped smiling when she saw it was someone other than a hospital employee and pulled is covers up and said, “You will have to leave as I need to look at his groin areas and I can’t do that without exposing him.” I said that I am his wife. She looked like she did not believe it and asked me for my name. I told her I am Mrs. _______. She looked at her computer screen and hit some keys and asked again who I was. I said I am his wife, Mrs. _______. She said she wanted my first name. I told her. She wanted me to spell it. I did. She then laughingly said, “You can stay as I think I just figured out how to look at his groin without exposing him. She also said that she had had issues with his machines and was catching up on paperwork.” While she said this, she was pulling up the covers between his legs while leaving his gown bunched up around his stomach area.
I was so numbed and beaten down by what I had already gone through, that I was not my usual self. I live daily with the knowledge of what that Wench said and I did nothing to defend my husband who was helpless as her captive. I will never forgive myself.
When I saw my husband, I knew he was drugged. He never said anything except yes or no in response to my questions. He didn’t initiate conversation nor did he reach for my hand like he would normally. He mostly kept his eyes closed but could respond with prompting.
We stayed less than 10 minutes as Wench only told us we were outside of visiting time and could visit him during normal visiting hours. She added as she handed us a paper with a number she had wrote down that if we wanted to call and talk with him we would have to have this number or else we would not be allowed to talk to him. I left his cell phone with him as I asked him if he would like to have his cell phone and he said yes. I dialed our daughter so she could her her dad’s voice as we weren’t allowed much information to give her nor were we allowed to stay.
However, as Wench has documented in his medical records, we were visiting around 3a. That is a lie and falsification of a legal medical record to cover her as_. She also states she gave us all kinds of information about his condition, his medication, his equipment, his diet, etc. There are pages and pages where she falsified his medical records saying she had done her job correctly. She never told us anything. Somewhere around 3a, Wench dated and put an X on a legal document for my drugged husband to sign saying he would accept blood transfusions. If he had not been drugged, he would have never signed this paper but Wench again took advantage of him. As I said, I knew at 4a that he was drugged out of his mind.
Wench never told me I could have spent the night in his room. She never told me anything about his condition. She only told me about exposing him and about the number.
Sometime after we left, my husband said he remembers starting to feel nausea. This is a side effect he normally experiences from pain killer and told SS Teaching Hospital but they failed to write this down and Rancidcan failed to ask. There was a standing order for Ondansetron that is used for nausea due to pain killers. However, for whatever reason, it was never used.
Around 6 a, he started choking and vomiting. He was laying almost flat. He was able to turn his head and eventually vomited towards his left shoulder onto his gown, blanket, and sheets. Wench proceeded to clean him up.
First Wench throws back his blanket. She then stripped off his gown. She uses a towel around the messy area and goes to found new bed linens and a gown. She then tells him to turn on his side, still naked and the curtain not closed and nothing over his genital region. He could feel her missing with the sheets and eventually she tells him to roll to the other side, still naked. She pulls the sheets and then has him lay on his back again. She then washes him still leaving him totally exposed. She then puts a new gown on him and then a blanket. Apparently, Wench was not present during her educational process that total exposure of the patient is not acceptable. She should be conscientious and keep the patient’s genital area cover as a sign of human respect. Apparently, my husband is not worthy of her not sexually assaulting him whenever she had the opportunity. Luckily, there was a shift change a few hours later and Wench’s reign of terror was over. The other nurses did not have the sexual inappropriateness that Wench had or to a lesser degree demonstrated, Joker Some Joke.
The effects of the fentanyl and Versed made him unable to put his thoughts into words/actions during most of time at Rancidcan. During his last day there, his head cleared enough that he knew he had to get out of there. He didn’t want to tell me then about how he had been abused because he knew I was going through hell from what they had done to me. Neither of us knew why he had had this procedure done. Each thought the other had given consent when actually, no consent is needed by patients or family once you become their victim by entering their door. However, now he feels that he was sexually violated by Wench in addition to having had a procedure that he did not want and did not consent to have done. He suffers from PTSD. The things that he does remember scare him and me but what really scares us are the things he cannot remember. He no longer trusts any female nurses and always wants me present. If I can’t be present, he will not accept treatment as he is justifiably afraid of female nurses/staff. My husband is scared and has changed since this horrible experience. He no longer trusts these people to do the right thing. He is angry that they chose for him what he now has to live with forever and having to take prescription medicine that in turn will likely cause issues with all the side effects each of them have. He worries about me and the stress I have suffered along with his own stress. We both worry about with their abusive treatment of him, their lies, and mistakes what does his future health look like? Did they actually do him no addition harm in the procedure? He is upset that they did not protect his personal privacy but also did not protect his medical information privacy. They also have sent his personal private identifiable information and medical information to many registries and data collection agencies without his permission. He feels totally violated.
I have PTSD. I feel I let my husband down by not protecting him from these evil people. I feel victimized by Boris Hollow the chaplain who invaded our privacy and refused to go away. I feel angry that they refused to let me see him before the procedure as they wanted no interference with their plans. I am angry about the rude and sexist doctor. I am angry at the whole cath lab experience being done w/o consent and how badly they treated me. I am beyond angry at Wench and Joker Some Joke for the abusive treatment we know of and scared of what else they might have done. We are angry because Rancidcan and SS Teaching Hospital doesn’t care about how harmful their actions have been. My son feels angry that he and I were victimized and that his father was abused and victimized. My daughter also is suffering from the stress of what has happened. We will never forget how badly these people harmed us.
Oops! Did I say prison instead of hospital? To me, the terms are interchangeable. Let’s see how they are similar:
Check Loss of basic human rights (cannot decide your fate)
Check Loss of bodily privacy (strip search similarities)
Check Visiting privileges may be suspended
Check Isolation
Check Dictate what food you eat
Check Daily inspections
Check Parole hearings (discharge or dismissal)\
Okay, so let’s explore each of one of these individually. I have not ever been an inmate of a county, state, or federal facility but I have had the unfortunate opportunity to be both an inmate and a visitor to the hospital-prison system. As you may have read in earlier blogs, my husband had a heart attack late last summer. During his incarceration and my subsequent dealings with the hospital, it did indeed feel like a prison to both of us. I guess having a heart attack was not punishment enough.
First of all, we learned they don’t tell you everything you need to know. Whether that is part of their plan or an accident, I am not really sure but I think it is part of their plan. How could they do these events over and over again and make so many “mistakes?”
When they said he would be transferred to another hospital because they weren’t a full service hospital was true. However, they said he would be going to the other hospital in order to evaluate his treatment options. What they didn’t say is that neither he or I would be included or have the right to decide what treatment he would have. That, to me, is a loss of basic human rights. Do we not have the right to decide our life choices? Apparently, if you are hospitalized, you lose that right. Also, when they ask you about drugs you have had problems with in taking, they can decide “if” they will write down that information. Since they knew what was in store for him at the other hospital and what drugs would be used, they did not write down that painkillers and Versed had adverse side effects. They purposely put his life in danger because they wanted to be able to use fentanyl and Versed on him. The helicopter crew gave him fentanyl when he did not need it as the cath labs like to receive their incoming patients drugged and cooperative with what is about to unfold. That is the long and the short of their actions. They decide what they will do, how they will do it, and who will be involved. You are drugged and have no choice. They also have made the decision on how you live out the rest of your life. They took a man who believed in natural supplements although he hadn’t taken them in several years and who had no history of daily prescription drug use and made sure he would take some very powerful and damaging drugs for the rest of his life. That seemed kind of unbelieving and miffed that at his age, he wasn’t already on a regimen of prescription drugs. Drugs, after all, are big business. It would be interesting to see how much doctors and hospitals receive from big drug companies for prescribing their miracle drugs that have devastating side effects. You don’t have a say in prison who your guard is and who knows your business. It is the same way in a hospital. You are expected to be okay with whatever staff member they choose to treat you. They don’t care if men have male nurses but mainly females patients have female nurses for intimate care. You cannot object when they give your information to people not needing it like the people in the public hallway or a man (non medical) they assign to your family who will not go. He hears all your information even though he has been told to leave. He does not share with your family what is happening to you. It is a secret for only them to know. The hospital later says they have a right to have whoever they choose to have your information. That means if the only person available is a maintenance worker then they’ll send him to your family so he can have and hear all your private health information. Once you enter their doors, you have no rights be you patient or visitor.
As a prisoner, you have to submit to stripping naked and letting a stranger(s) look your body over, make notes, and probe cavities. You are then given a uniform to wear so you do not have your own personal clothing. In a hospital, you are stripped naked. You submit to strangers looking at your body, taking notes, and probing cavities even watching you pee and poo. You may be given a flimsy gown or paper to wear. Then again, like my husband, you may just lay naked and exposed for any and all to see until you become so cold that it affects your physical well-being. They may choose to give you nothing at all to cover. Mostly in a prison, the stripping is done in from of same sex onlookers but in a hospital male patients usually have to be naked for female strangers and onlookers. My husband had 4 females in the cath lab and at least 2 other laughing females in his CCU room alone with him for hours while he was drugged. And the one admitted that since she wasn’t able to figure out how to not expose him until I came into the room, he was naked and exposed for over 2 hours with these 2 females and all others who came and went from his room. It is very stressful thinking about what and why they did, and thinking about all the things they could have done that he doesn’t remember.
Prisons decide if and when you can have visitors. They can keep you in solitary confinement only allowing you to communicate with their chosen staff and not allowing you to communicate with your family. Hospitals decide when and if you can have visitors. They may keep you in isolation so you are more likely to be compliant with what they have in store for you and so your family cannot question what they have in store for you. They also may keep you in isolation because they really don’t care if you see your family or they see you. My husband was not allowed to see me nor I him before they forced him into having a procedure he had not agreed to nor wanted. Afterwards, he was kept isolated from us, his family, for more than 2 hours with no reason given. Usually it takes less than 30 minutes of secrecy to complete a transfer to a patient room. And why does a transfer have to be done in secrecy? It is like they think they are transferring a highly dangerous criminal whose gang will try to bust him out during transfer?
Prisons have set meals and set times you can eat. Hospitals will decide what type of diet they will allow you have. They will let you order from a selection of bland and tasteless food and make a note if you don’t eat it because it is too nasty to eat. During my husband’s incarceration, he was told he had to order from a certain group. However, when he would try to order, they in turn would tell him that food item was not allowed. If he didn’t replace it with what with the item they deemed acceptable, they would send another gross item in its place not caring whether he wanted it or not. It is a pattern in a hospital prison of not caring what the patient wants.
At prisons, there may certain times during the day that they conduct roll call or count heads. At hospitals, they make daily rounds with medical students and other nameless individuals. Unlike a prison, you may have to be exposed to these strangers as they all have the right to be curious and you are the object on which they are furthering their education in order to make big money. You, in return, get nothing out of it except having more of your personal dignity stripped away. In hospitals, they will wake you up to ask if you are sleeping. They come and go all day and all night. You never are without them unless you need them.
Prisons have parole hearings where you can go and tell them how you have improved and how sorry you are for whatever you did. You also know in advance when your sentence is over if there is no parole involved. In a hospital, you have no idea when they may decide that you can go. Your family has to be ready at all times to pick you up but yet hospital don’t think having them visit or keeping them informed is important. They may dangle incentives in front of you so you can leave early such as agreeing to be part of more intrusive programs where they can contact you once you leave the hospital so they may gather more data for their registries. If you don’t cooperate, chances are you will be leaving later than sooner. They do not like no for answer. They discuss the “release from hospital prison” and let you know what they have decided. As in any parole or release, there are terms you must agree to before they actually let you out. You must set up appointments and agree to further treatment. It is like they really can’t let you go without making sure they own you forever.
As you can see, there are many similarities between prisons and hospitals. The differences between the are striking. Prisons you don’t have to pay to go to but hospitals you pay huge money in order to be there. Prisons don’t want you to return but hospitals need for you to return as you are their cash cow. Prisoners have rights but hospital patients don’t. Oftentimes, patients are too ill to defend themselves and the laws are stacked against them. Lawmakers don’t care about hospital patients being abused and mistreated but have passed laws over the years for prison reform.
It is time that reform is done. Patients should not be treated worse than prisoners. A patient’s only crime is getting ill.
Although you don’t have to be given anything,it is standard operating procedure in the US to be given “conscious sedation”. Having done my research, I have found a lot of other countries don’t require “conscious sedation.” We all know that “conscious sedation” is more or less a zombie state that enables them to control you without you remembering much of what happened. There is really not pain with a cath but rather pressure from the insertion of the different devices such as sheaths. They say they use painkillers as they don’t want the patient to feel any pain but that was a lie in this case. I’ll explain later. They also used lidocaine to numb one of my husband’s groins but not the other according to the medical records. The use of lidocaine is probably all that is necessary. Here is my husband’s story as he was allowed to remember:
He began feeling funny during his ambulance transport. Once they landed, he felt as though he was floating above and watching what was going on. He remembers that no one from the hospital from hell was there to greet him- the captive- and his jailers. They finally flagged down a nurse getting into her car in a parking lot and she badged them in. They wondered the hall until they finally found some people who directed them to the cath lab. The ambulance jailers (I call them this as they gave him fentanyl w/o his knowledge and against what he had stated he wanted done) transferred him directly to the cold, metal cath lab table. He remembers no Informed Consent being given although they say in him medical records that they went through the whole thing. They say in his medical records multiple times that he was alert to person, place/event, and time. If this was the case, why wasn’t the Informed Consent signed by him. Why was it signed by 2 of the heifers 5 minutes after one of the heifers entered it onto the computer systems saying it had been done when in reality, it wasn’t done or signed. They said it was an emergency and that he had verbally given his approval. The doctor signature is unreadable and has no date or time. He was drugged and at that point would have say “yes” anything when prompted correctly. I am quite sure that are aware of how fentanyl makes a patient react and adjust their questions accordingly. That is why they like them to have fentanyl prior to arrival as it makes them compliant and unable to think, question, or resist. The 4 women rn heifers started readying him for what he didn’t know during the time supposedly they were getting Informed Consent. Informed Consent should be done free from pressure and coercion but apparently laying naked on the procedure table being readied for a procedure you need to give consent to is acceptable to them but confusing to a drugged and intimidating to a opiate drugged individual. Immediately upon arrival, they stripped him of his clothes without asking or even giving him the chance to do it himself. They stuffed his clothes into a pink garbage bag (pink is kind of symbolic of the abuse of power by these female heifers–the cath lab is a world ran by women). They left him naked without a gown or blanket, exposed to a room of people. How can one give Informed Consent naked, exposed, and drugged? I know how he is when he has drugs a lot less stronger than fentanyl so I know he was in no position to comprehend or give legal binding consent. At this point, they were going to make sure he had not totally wasted their Saturday night by being called in and he choosing another method.
He remembers seeing people standing around (the 3 ambulance jailers stayed and watched for awhile as apparently they need to watch their patients when they are naked) and others coming and going. He remembers hearing some of them talking but he doesn’t remember anyone talking to him. He remembers one female voice in a mask telling him she was going to shave him. He wondered why but wasn’t able to vocalize his question as the drugs had done what they intended–to make him cooperative, compliant, and not a problem. In other words, no patient questions or participation allowed. She shaved his whole pubic region and thighs not just the little area as described in most cath lab sites. They also did not cover his penis up from their exposure. No thought about allowing him his dignity because he was just an object not a human with feelings or considerations. Most cath labs say in their literature that they respect the patient’s privacy but this also was not the case. They use drugs such as Versed that erases most memories so they don’t have to respect the patient. He stay exposed until they finally draped him around for the procedure. He was probably exposed for around 30 minutes if you judge by the medical records when it actually listed the draping. He remembers how cold he was and how upset he was that he was exposed without thought to his bodily privacy. He felt humiliated. However, the fentanyl had done its job and rendered his thoughts just that–he was unable to find his voice or the energy to resist.
He remembers the pressure of the sheath insertions but says it did not hurt although the bruises on both groins and his thighs said otherwise. I have never seen such blackness and the area was about 12 inches in diameter on both groins w/ hard lumps that are still present months afterwards. He said he was scared, alone, and wondering why and what was happening. No one communicated or comforted him. The put 2 more IVs in him so he had a total of 4–2 in each bend of his elbows. Hospital from hell did not note their IV insertions but the perverted nurse signed that she was present at the original hospital when they inserted it (no–just another lie from her). He remembers wondering if I had okayed what was happening to him but I hadn’t. He remembers wanting to see me but couldn’t form the words to ask. He remembers being scared and cold until he finally started trembling violently. He remembers seeing the screen of his heart and wondering what was going on.
He remembers after the dr. was gone still laying on the cath table (he laid there for about 50 minutes after the procedure ended according to MRs). He remembers once again that he was laying there naked, exposed, and cold. He remembers a female heifer voice telling him they were going to do some suturing and it would hurt a lot. (Remember their reasoning for conscious sedation is for the patient to feel no pain–well that’s a big lie.) He remembers even in his fog, how badly the suturing of 3 areas hurt. They chose not to use any numbing agent as they for some reason wanted it to hurt. Maybe because as the doctor told me, they really resented being there on a Saturday night. (So remember that you should schedule having a heart attack during weekday hours.) He remembers eventually being transferred, still naked, to a gurney. He remembers them throwing a gown and then a blanket over him. He remembers them telling him he would get to see his family shortly. That too was a lie as it wasn’t until well over 2 hours later that we finally flagged down someone so we could find out what had happened to him. They apparently didn’t care about his mental well being either.
By the way heifer is the nicest term I can consistently call these RNs. Because of the Versed and fentanyl, his memories are limited. He did hypnosis sessions that helped him regain these. The sessions were very traumatic for him and me but he and I needed answers. The hypnotist was very careful as to not suggest things to him but rather let him tell his story at his own pace.
Now I know that some may have issues with this story. We have issues with this story as it is what happened to my husband. This story should never have happened to him. I want to tell this story to others because I want them to be aware of what can happen. This may be the exception to the rule or this may happen more often than we realize. I don’t know but I do know it can and did happen so everyone should be aware. We weren’t and this is the result. Mistreatment, abuse, and the lack of Informed Consent. Everytime I think or tell this story, I cry because these medical things were so cruel, abusive, and violating to especially my husband. What I suffered pales in comparison. The drugs weren’t necessary as he is a big boy and if he had been allowed to exercise his basic human right to freedom to choose his treatment, he would have been okay w/o the drugs.
He will never be the same again because of what they did to him physically and emotionally. He had a procedure done without his consent. The cath lab RNs were abusive, sexually inappropriate, and had a total lack of compassion for him. If he had been female, this type of over exposure would not have happened. If he had been female patient, then that female patient would not have been left alone and drugged with 4 male RNs. They would have kept a female covered up. I might mention that the transferring hospital sent paperwork to this large Catholic hospital that my husband was gay by stating his spouse was a “husband.” This may be what prompted him receiving this violative and abusive treatment. Or it could be that some female nurses like to torture and control especially older males for some sort of issue they suffer from emotionally.
I will say that having seem pictures of some of these heifers, they look like to me they could have issues with me. One of them, the scrub, when I saw her had the most unpleasant, ugly expression on her overly made-up face. Her face could launch a thousand nightmares. If you think I am being unkind, it was earned by them so I will not apologize or even feel somewhat bad about my personal remarks. They don’t deserve any humanity as they give none in their care.
Our journey into the deep bowels of hell began one evening in the summer of 2018. My husband had had shortness of breath for a while. He had gone to see a nurse practitioner because of the shortness of breath. She did the tests and gave him some medicines for bronchitis. The symptoms were relieved for a while but then came back. He didn’t think much about it as he always has congestion due to allergies and we both know that medicines and medical intervention rarely cure anything completely. My husband had prostate cancer and knows the “cure” causes other severe issues. He also knew that the “cure” for the “cure” needs its own “cure” and so on. Just watch any prescription drug commercial on tv.
On the evening of his heart attack, I found him leaning over the seat of the sofa in pain, rolling back and forth. I told him he needed emergency help as I felt he was having a heart attack. He said he didn’t think so as he was known to have back spasms due to old injuries. We live in the country so I knew by the time an ambulance would have arrived that I could have him at the local hospital. The pain had lessened and I was able to get there very quickly.
We arrived at SS School ER. They immediately took him in and began working with him. They asked him questions such as what his pain level was at the moment and what had been his pain level at the worst of his attack. During the worst which had been at home when he was on his knees leaning over the seat of the couch moaning in pain he told them ithad been at a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. They were asking him questions from a form and writing down/computing the answers. They asked him about medicine allergies and he told them he knew of no allergies but has always had very little toleration for pain medicines as they totally incapacitate him for days. They can make his blood pressure drop or raise, dizziness, and have out of body experiences. He requested they give him as little as possible because of their ill effects. They started an IV. They gave him 4 more chewable aspirin (now I know too how many to give as I had given him one at home). They also told him they were going to give him morphine in the IV and nitro tablets for the pain. He agreed to that. They also drew blood, did multiple EKGs, and a chest x-ray. Everything seemed to be going well. They seemed knowledgeable and kind. The morphine didn’t seem to make into a total zombie.
Eventually, the doctor reached the conclusion that my husband had had a heart attack. A few years ago, the main school had decided that our community did not need a full service hospital. So although it still had an ER, they could not fully treat and had to stabilize and send on. They said he needed more care then they could give. We both knew that he did not want to go to a school hospital as they are teaching hospitals so Rancidcan was the closest hospital that offered cardiac care 24/7 as far as we knew. They mentioned that he might need different medicines, cardiac catheterization, open heart surgery, etc. They also said they had asked for an ambulance or DeadCircle Air Ambulance. It would be whichever would arrive first. However, I think they had already decided it would DeadCircle. They said they would make the arrangements with Rancidcan. Several more times he was asked what his pain level was and he would reply a 1 out of 10 and describe it as being as dull ache.
By the time DeadCircle had arrived, my husband was not really in pain but was in discomfort. The meds were working. I had called our son and he had arrived by this time. DeadCircle loaded my husband up and it took about 10 to 15 minutes for them to actually take flight. I was told I couldn’t go with him so my son and I left for Rancidcan. Rancidcan is about 36 minutes away but that night it didn’t take as long. SS Hospital told us to go to the ER desk and ask for him. They didn’t know if he would be admitted through ER or directly into Cardiac Care.
From what I had experienced so far at SS Hospital, I thought everything was being done right and was thankful that they had stabilized him. However, once we received his medical records, we realized that not everything was as we had thought.
When asked about the medicine allergies, he had answered he had no allergies per se but had a very low tolerance to any type of pain medicine and told what happens. He also told them he would be essentially be a functioning zombie for days. They made him foggy, lowered his blood pressure (sometimes raised it), dizzy, etc. We didn’t think anything more about it as he had told them and they seemed to making notes. With the morphine and nitro, his pain level was more a dull ache being at 1 out of 10. Of course, he was still short of breath and still wondering if all of this was real. I know when I looked at him I could tell he was deep in thought.
Upon viewing his medical records from SS Hospital, I discovered that they had not made note of his pain medicine intolerance and his request that it would be used very sparingly. I now wonder why so many questions are asked when clearly that don’t care about the replies or sometimes just flat out don’t listen. In fact, I wonder if medical people don’t intentionally give pain killers in the hopes of extending their drug addiction services in the future or make it so they don’t have to deal with the patient? It is a thought. Healthy people don’t need as many medical services so there would not be as many medical jobs. It seems making people totally healthy could be considered a conflict of interest—their own. It also seems that when people are drugged that they are more quiet and allow medical people more control over them.
Progressing through these medical records, I came across the part completed by DeadCircle. Up to this point in life, I had respected the work that paramedics and emts do. Now I do not. Here is what they wrote in their initial assessment of him:
“On arrival an initial assessment by DC4 crew, the patient was found in semi-fowler’s position on the referring’s ED cot. He was A/Ox3 and appeared to be in pain. He c/o CP 8/10 at this time. ….he spoke full sentences without distress. He did c/o sob and would moan occasionally”.
First off, I was in the ER bay with my husband. He did not have a look of pain on his face but rather a look of a man that was overwhelmed by what had happened and of happenings to come. He was not all sunshine and lollipops but I would have thought that would have been an abnormal reaction. He was not comfortable of course. He had been given multiple Ekgs with the probes being applied, removed, applied, removed, applied, IVs, and the news that he had had a heart attack and needed more care and what care was still debatable at least to what we though. I also heard him say that his pain level was a 1 out of 10 and it was just a dull ache. He did not have a pain level of 8. In the midst of the actual heart attack at home, it was only a 7. With a 7 pain level, he was on the floor bending and rolling over the seat of the couch and with verbal pain sounds. In the ER, he was sitting on the gurney breathing heavily as had been the norm for him for about 2 weeks. He was not on the floor nor was he moaning in pain. He has always had a slight noise (like a sigh)maybe a little moan when he breathes as he has bad allergies or when he is deep in thought. He spoke in full sentences because he was not in great pain. Since this is an example of their patient evaluation skills then I will take my chances and do without their services. Clearly, their assessment skills are lacking or maybe they just like to lie. It is also that most cath. labs like for their patients to arrived drugged as they do not have to deal with the patient resisting by asking questions.
DeadCircle said his pain level prior to their arrival was 8. Again, absolutely false. There is no documentation in the medical records from SS Hospital to substantiate this claim. Again, I was sitting there and he did not say 8 but 1 and dull ache. Again at 10:40 and 10:48, they falsely claimed his pain level was at 8 out of 10. He wasn’t rolling on the floor or screaming in pain. In fact, he himself said he just felt discomfort or a dull ache on DeadCircle until he felt no discomfort or ache at all. No discomfort or ache at all—I bet you are wondering why. That is because at 10:53 before they even took off, they gave him 100mcg of Fentanyl in his IV without his knowledge. My husband said they did not ask him about pain in the helicopter because he had on protective headphones and he couldn’t hear anything over the roar of the helicopter. He said he could not even hear the crew talk. He said that on the 12 minute ride that he was deep in thought. He said he was never in pain worse than he had been before he went to the ER. He wasn’t even aware of the Fentanyl until we had discovered it in his medical records.
This begs the question of why? Do they routinely give people such potent opiate drugs? For whose convenience is it being done—theirs or the patient? My husband certainly did not want such a drug. What if he had been a recovering opiate user? They could have carelessly ruined his life without much thought on their part. What if he was a person that just one dose of a drug can trigger an addiction gene? He wasn’t pain—it was only 1 or a dull ache.
Once DeadCircle landed, my husband said they had to flag down some Rancidcan employee to let them in the building as they could not gain entry. According to DeadCircle, “the receiving facility was notified about 10 minutes out of our arrival but the crew was slightly delayed on arrival (delays related to gaining entry into the hospital and attempting to locate the cath lab once a nurse in the parking lot badged us in) because security had been told to expect a ground transfer not air and were not on hand when the crew arrived at the helipad.” Of course, Rancidcan blames SS Hospital but SS Hospital and Rancidcan had been in communication since 10:22 about my husband’s admittance to Rancidcan. SS Hospital stated they had been talking with a physician by the name of Saar Paul. They didn’t get his real name correct so I will use it. What I really call him is not printable. Quack is just about the nicest I can get about that physician graduate of School of Dentistry and Medicine (notice that medicine is last). They also said they discussed the case with a cardiologist called Shearer. Again, SS Hospital got his name wrong. You may see a pattern here that SS Hospital fails to hear things properly. Remember his real pain level was a 1 not 8. I don’t care whose fault it was. The fact is they both contributed to this Laurel & Hardy routine of ineptness. And furthermore, we are not laughing. I think both SS School Hospital and DeadCircle have been negligent in their care.
At 11:18p, DeadCircle put down for their last recording of his pain level that it was a 1 out 10. That’s what he maintained he had all along until he had none and he felt he was living in slow motion because of DeadCircle basically spiking his IV with an opiate. On the hand-off sheet to Rancidcan, DeadCircle noted the 100mcg of Fentanyl. DeadCircle also noted that he was alert—oriented to event, person, place and time and skin was warm and dry at 22:38 when they first came into contact with him. However, they stated on the hand-off sheet they said he was diaphoresis (excessive sweat) as a diagnosis but on the same hand-off they said under the skin category that his that his skin was warm and dry. Again, what drugs are they on? Does the crew of DeadCircle alternate between reality and make-believe at the drop of a hat or less? Maybe they like to hedge their bets so they have all bases covered? On the same evaluation paper, they cannot get their assessment to agree. Either he was excessively sweating or his skin was warm and DRY. To me, this DeadCircle crew doesn’t know what they are doing.
Upon revisiting the issue of DeadCircle giving my husband Fentanyl and SS School Hospital neglecting to make a notation of his pain killer intolerance, I would like to make a few points. My husband presented with chest pain and shortness of breath. He, as he maintains, was doing fine at a pain level of about 1 out of 10 as it was just a dull ache. He did not ask for more pain killers but was given more without his consent or knowledge. The DeadCircle crew decided to give him a large dose of Fentanyl for only reasons they really know. Fentanyl itself can cause tightness of chest, difficulty breathing, rapid or slow heartbeat, convulsions, chest pain, nausea, rapid breathing, trouble breathing, sweating, cough, severe sleepiness, trouble concentrating, coldness and confusion. They gave this to a man who had already said he has intolerance to pain killers and he has never has he taken one this strong. He had also told SS Hospital that pain killers mess with his blood pressure. How utterly careless of them! Although both morphine and fentanyl are both opiates, fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine. So they gave fentanyl on top of the morphine without his permission and against what he had already told SS School Hospital.
The DeadCircle crew assisted in the transfer of my husband directly onto the cath lab table. They said there was a physician at bedside. Who that was, we don’t know as Rancidcan records are lacking. It may have been Saar Paul or Shearer. Rancidcan seems to feel that patients do not have the right to know about their care and who is providing the care. But that is a story for another blog. We also don’t know how long the DeadCircle crew stayed in the cath. lab. It appears they were there 31 minutes. So what did they do? There was no reason for them to stay that long as the cath. lab had enough people in it or do they merely like to stay around and watch? It must have been a 3-ring circus with my husband as the main attraction, naked and exposed. I was the only one it seems that was not allowed information about my husband, to see him, or help him in his decision process. Is my attitude sarcastic? You bet. This horror story has only just begun.
We both feel that SS School Hospital and DeadCircle are major contributors in the traumatic events that are yet to come. We both feel they have forever damaged our faith in the healthcare system to do the right thing or even want intervention from them. I know that I will never seek medical care. My husband is very leery about further medical intervention and that is bad because he is a heart attack survivor with no thanks from any of the above mentioned medical systems. In fact, it is a testament to his strong will to survive that he is still here. I thank my lucky stars that he did not let them discourage him or force him to give up because of their inhumane treatment. The actions of SS School Hospital, DeadCircle, and Rancidcan Health has put undue stress on not only him but me. Part of the changes they say he needs to make in his life is to eliminate stress but they have stacked it on him by their actions.
Why have I told this ugly, scary story? Because I feel people need to be made aware of what can happen. Medicine thrives on being mysterious. They believe that once you enter their doors what happens to you is their choice and theirs alone. They do not feel that you have the right to know and that you are not entitled to make decisions about your own bodies. They may have tons of attorneys but what I have stated is from their “legal medical records” and I do have the right to freedom of speech although I am sure they disagree. My husband has gone through hypnosis to get back memories that were purposely erased by Rancidcan. He has done this to try to gain the control that they took away from him. No one has the right to take away your memories! I will talk about this issue more in another blog. More people who have suffered at the hands of the medical community need to speak up! The only way they will change is if they are forced. Ultimately, it is our life and our body. We need to take back control. Medical people only provide services. Mechanics, waitresses, teachers, etc. provide services and sadly we oversee their deeds more than we oversee the services done directly to our bodies.
I am in my mid 50’s. In my younger days, I used to be more liberal in my thinking but since then I have grown up. Every citizen of this country has the right to equal treatment under the law. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and until they prove otherwise, respect. Otherwise, being distantly polite is all they are going to get.
In my younger days, I was a job representative and oftentimes went up against my employers for the rights of my co-workers. It was rewarding but also frustrating. I usually won because I am thorough. I also broadcasted my point of view far and wide. I was not afraid to tangle with anyone or anything. If I didn’t win completely, they always knew that they had been in a battle. I remember defending my best friend’s husband during an ethic’s violation hearing. I worked for the State of Indiana and my Executive Director was being questioned. I caught her in a lie and it became apparent to the committee that she had lied. Once we left the hearing, she was flanked by her staff attorneys and they were waiting for an elevator. They were shooting me murderous looks so when the elevator came, I passed on that one. I pick my fights carefully. Later when a new governor was elected and Executive Director was on the chopping block, she called me into her office. She wanted to know if I would put in a good word for her. We somehow, after all of our differences were able to respect one another’s abilities. Mine for her was better to know the devil you have rather than to have learn about a new devil by trial and fire.
I also remember being courted by big unions when our little employee union merged with another for more clout. We, the board of directors, were in a meeting with some pretty rough and tumble union reps. When I asked about cost to our members, this typical mafia stereotype union rep, got right in my face and said rather menacingly that when you buy a Cadillac you don’t worry about the cost of gas. I, in return, stood up and got back in his face and told him that owning an Escort that I still worried about the cost of gas. Later, one of our paid union reps said she would have never confronted that man. I said that man needed to know that pushing people around just wouldn’t fly with me. We did not merge with that union.
For a number of years I have let that side of me sleep but recently I have had reason to bring back that side. I am passionately and fiercely loyal but had allowed the “take them on no matter what” side to more or less become dormant. However, recently I have had a wakeup call that side of me needs to become energized. I have opinions and when wrongs have been committed, they need to be addressed. I also see the need to speak up because that is the only way that other people will know that they are not alone in what they are feeling.
My great-aunt had a saying: “What comes around, goes around.” I really believe that to be true. Here’s to hoping that the medical community will reap the seeds they sow.
Some areas that I am passionate about are:
healthcare discrimination animal rights senior rights just doing the right thing politics and now religion
It is actually healthcare that has gotten me back to wanting to voice major concerns to bring about change. My husband is probably the most kindest man ever created. People tend to take advantage of him. In the following blogs (which there will be many about this), I will tell a story about a horrific, nightmare medical encounter he and our family experienced. I want others to understand what can happen if you are not aware of how horrible healthcare can be. I would like to use the name of the actual place where the monstrosities occurred but I will change the names of the places and the names of the guilty parties involved. It is truly a bone chilling story.
It is also scary because it involves discrimination of age, sexual preference, religion, and freedom of choice. I didn’t think much about how aging people are treated in the healthcare industry. It is true that as we age, we can expect to have more medical encounters. Many healthcare workers are young and sometimes these young workers have no respect or compassion when dealing with us older folks.
Also, I just always assumed that LGBT people would be treated fairly in a healthcare setting. However, sadly enough I learned that is not true especially if the hospital is a religious hospital. My husband of more than 30 years, was labelled as gay. I am, and have been my whole life, female but a transferring hospital put down on his paperwork that he had a husband. Whether the resulting abuse he suffered at the hands of the religious hospital originated from that, in part, or they just are abusive because they can be, will probably never be fully answered. But I feel it did play a part.
I have learned that the constitution granting equal rights to all really does not. The medical community for too long has been able to basically do what and how they please without any questions. It is time that we take back our rights and make medical care better and less abusive. It is true that medical care is driven by greed and power. At least, that is how I see it. Being a male patient is especially dangerous in a medical world where most care is given by female staff who basically go unmonitored and not questioned. It needs to change.
Please join me on my journey to help bring about change. I know that the story I will be telling is unbelievable. But it is real as we had to live through the abuse and will forever more have to deal with the memory of what happened. I hope that telling this story will help others not to not become a victim in what was for us, a very vulnerable and scary time in our lives. Unfortunately, the medical community knows this and will take full advantage if you aren’t aware of their tactics.